Operations Order #100424

Delta Green/Realms of Cthulhu Demo Game

Bill & Walt’s Hobby Shop, 245 Fourth Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15222
Phone: 412-281-9040
Time & Date: 24 April 2010 @ 5:00PM
“You are cordially invited to a night at the opera…”
This Saturday I will be running the adventure Mutator as an Explorer’s Society demo of Reality Blurs’ Realms of Cthulhu. The adventure will be set in the mid-1990s in the Delta Green setting. Up to 6 players will portray Delta Green agents or friendlies. We start at 5pm and expect the game to finish at approximately 10pm. Our normal habit is to secure pizza as a group from Ephesus Pizza up the street.

UPDATE: Setting: Chicago, IL – 24 April 1995
Participants in this game: Agent Richard Johnson (FBI), Agent Peter “No Relation” Johnson (FBI), Brown Taintslick (ex-SAS)